Parent Abuse: Who’s to Blame?

Left untreated, parent abuse is certain to get worse over time. It happens all the time. Parents arrive in my office in a state of shock, wondering how their sweet, adorable child morphed into a domestic tyrant. Which raises an important question: Is parent abuse normal? Let’s look at some basic child psychology and see […]

4 Ways Altruism Produces Happy and Empowered Children

What’s missing from your kid’s life could make all the difference. During my twenty years as a psychotherapist working with young people and their parents, I’ve witnessed certain youth make sudden leaps in maturity that catapulted them far ahead of their peers. In fact, their amplified sense of well-being astonished me and their parents. What […]

The Talking Cure

THE TALKING CURE A One Act Play Written by Sean Grover , Directed by Alan Wynroth, Music by Hannah Jane Ginsberg  Twenty-four hours in the life of Dr. Arthur Russo, a Manhattan psychotherapist, who is undone by four challenging patients and an unexpected tragedy. THE TALKING CURE gives audiences a rare peek into the personal struggles of a […]

Separation Anxiety in Adolescence: How to Grow A Healthy Teenager

Published in Issues in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Vol. 38 During adolescence, teens confront complex feelings toward their parents and find themselves caught in an anxiety-fueled dilemma: the wish to reject or distance themselves while they are unavoidably dependent on them and yearning for their approval. This clash of impulses fuels adolescent separation anxiety. What is the […]

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