Is Your Own Child Bullying You?

Have you ever seen a child bully or boss around his parents? A child who talks down to them, disses or even mocks them? Embarrassing, isn’t it? A generation or two ago, it would have been unthinkable for children to bully their parents. Today, nearly everyone knows a parent who is bullied by his or […]

Podcast Interview: Parenting with a Story by Paul Smith

Paul Smith, author of LEAD WITH A STORY and PARENTING WITH A STORY, interviews Sean Grover about his book, WHEN KIDS CALL THE SHOTS, How to Seize Control from Your Darling Bully and Enjoy Being a Parent Again. To read the full interview, CLICK HERE  

The Secret to Raising Happy Children

To view this article visit Maria Shiver 

Nest + M School

Good morning Sean, I wanted to thank you so much for coming yesterday. Your talk was incredibly informative and several parents have already expressed interest in their child seeing you for counseling. On a side note, the Whole Child Committee is going to order your new book in bulk. It’s always a pleasure working with […]

Kids Who Bully Parents are Everywhere!

Why Do Good Parents Find Themselves Bullied? Parenting is a roller coaster ride filled with highs and lows, joys and despair — elation, dejection, euphoria, and hopelessness. Some children are easier than others. Some are more accommodating by nature, they accept your authority without protest, and go through their developmental stages with limited rebelliousness. They […]