Is Your Kid a Technology Addict?

Technology Without Supervision? A few months ago, I was leading my therapy group for struggling college students; young people who feel socially isolated and alone. Some have dropped out of school, some white-knuckled their way through only to graduate and half-heartedly look for work while living with their over-accommodating parents. While struggling to help them […]

Is Your Therapist Helping Your Enough?

Beyond the Honeymoon with Your Therapist Is your weekly appointment just a time to vent? What do you do when your therapy seems to be going nowhere? Chances are you came to therapy because you wanted something – something you felt you couldn’t achieve on your own. You were unhappy or discouraged; maybe you felt […]

What’s in Your Basket of Troubles?

By Sean Grover, LCSW A Parable… Once upon a time, there was a lost man who carried around a basket of troubles and wandered the land calling out,“Who will help me with my basket of troubles?” Many pitied him, some laughed at him, but no one helped him. Then one day a king passing by […]

Staten Island Technical High School

May 13, 2014 Dear Mr. Grover, On behalf of Staten Island Technical High School and the PTA parents, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude for taking the time to visit our school.  Your Workshop on “The Bullied Parent” was excellent, informative and insightful.  Your warm and inviting personality truly engaged the parents.  They […]

Where Do You Store Tension in Your Body?

That tension you feel in your neck? It has more meaning that you think, It was a moment that changed my life. It was about twenty years ago, and I was a patient in a therapy group led by Dr. Louis Ormont, a pioneer of American group therapy. I was discussing the devastating death of […]

Are You Attuned to Emotions?

The Secret World of Emotions & Attunement When your radio’s tuned properly to your favorite station, the broadcast comes in loud and clear. Without any static or overlap of frequencies, you relax and enjoy the music or the program. When your favorite love song is played on a well-tuned instrument, you’re delighted. You listen without […]

How to Pull a Volcano Out of a Tree

The Volcano in Our Backyard In the 1970’s my parents fell in love with throwing big outdoor theme parties for friends and family. The aftermath of their parties filled our backyard with oddities which included a twenty foot tall fiberglass Cleopatra (harvested from the 1964 World’s Fair – don’t ask), a collection of enormous rubber […]