Bard High School Early College

December 19, 2013 Dear Sean, On behalf of the parents at Bard High School Early College, I would like to thank you for your presentation in our PTA Meeting. I’ve heard uniformly wonderful comments about your presentation and your question and answer session. I know that you rearranged your schedule and took valuable time away […]

NYC iSchool

December 2, 2013 Dear Sean, Thank you for coming to the NYC iSchool PA meeting on April 11th. It was such a pleasure to meet you and I was really pleased you were able to make time for us in you schedule. The meeting was attended by some new faces which is always one of […]

A Parent’s Guide to Greater Mindfulness

A Parent’s Confession Every New Year’s Day, I attend a celebration at a culture center in my neighborhood; it’s one of my favorite days filled with music, dancing, art, and poetry. Children giggle and run through the halls, old friends discover one another, hugs and kisses abound. What better way to start the New Year? […]

The Loneliness of the People Pleaser

When someone asks you a favor, do you readily agree and later regret it? Perhaps you say yes when you really wanted to say no? Afterward, do you feel victimized, lament your decision, or bemoan your fate? If you answered yes to the questions above, congratulations—you’re a people pleaser. You go out of your way […]

How Parents Can Avoid the Self-Neglect Trap

“Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin as self-neglecting.” William Shakespeare, (Henry V, 2.4.74-75) Self-Neglect & Parenthood Why do so many people seem to unravel after becoming parents? Why do so many marriages self-destruct? Of the many kinds of the parenting dilemmas I see in my office, parent burnout is among the most […]

Why Do You Avoid Conflicts?

Conflicts are a Natural Part of all Healthy Relationships When faced with conflicts in relationships, do you suffer from the Triple A’s: apologizing, agreeing, and accommodating? Under pressure, are you more likely to compromise or hide your true feelings behind a tense smile or nervous laugh? And afterward, are you still fretting over the situation? […]

How to Be a More Decisive Person

What to be more decisive? Here’s how: While playing it safe may be comforting, standing in the shadows, waiting for someone else to decide, or remaining dependent on friends or loved ones to make decisions for you weakens your confidence and chips away at your self-esteem. Being totally at the mercy of others is a […]