Is Your Kid the Right Kind of Happy?
A Parent’s Guide to Happy Child Admit it, you love to see your kid happy; your home is filled with smiling photos grinning from your computer screen, bookshelves, even your refrigerator door. Everyone wants to raise a happy child. But when it comes to raising children, are all forms of happiness considered equal? What kind […]
What is a Value Creating Life?
What’s truly of most value in life? Life deals us so many sufferings – loved ones pass, illness occurs, tragedy strikes. In a heartbeat, we could be hit with a critical blow we never saw coming, an event that could change the course of our lives forever. The bottom line: If you’re living and breathing, […]
How to Cure Analysis Paralysis
My Analysis Paralysis Story “Unfurl the ropes!” The white-haired captain barks as he surveys the wind-bellied sails. My twelve-year-old mind is spinning. Unfurl? What does unfurl mean? I’m clearly in over my head. What have I gotten myself into? The captain points to a large pile of twisted and knotted ropes on deck. In a […]
Lab Middle School for Collaborative Studies
May 15, 2013 Dear Mr. Grover, Thank you for the remarkable parent workshop “When Your Kid is the Boss: The Bullied Parent” yesterday. It was an intriguing topic and the openness and honesty of the dialogue was a great testimony to the trust you developed with our parents on the spot. They valued your opinion […]
Central Park East High School
March 18, 2013 Dear Mr. Sean Grover, I just wanted to take this opportunity to formally thank you for participating in the Career Workshop Series at Central Park East High School (CPEHS). We all appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to come speak to us about your profession. The students were very […]
NYC Lab School for Collaborative Studies – High School
February 13, 2013 Dear Sean, We would like to thank you so much for your insightful parenting workshop. Your skill and expertise on “When Your Kid is the Boss: The Bullied Parent” showed us how to cope and put in place strategies that can make a difference in the quality of life in and around […]
George L. Egbert Intermediate School
January 16, 2013 Dear Sean Grover, Thank you so much for agreeing to come to Staten Island and speak to our parents. Thank you for sharing your time and knowledge. My parents walked away feeling well informed and inspired. Thank you for giving them and myself such wonderful advice and words of wisdom. I have […]