How to Resolve Fears of An Intimate Relationship
Spending too much time alone? Here are a few things to consider. Sure, an intimate relationship will improve your life—but did you know that it may also extend it? In an article in the New York Times by Jane E. Brody, “Forging Social Connections for a Longer Life,” study after study found that people in […]
The Father’s Day Time Machine
A Father’s Day Memory “Wrap the extension cord around the gutter and tie a knot!” My father cups his hands and hollers into the wind. “Be careful! Don’t drop the bulbs! They’re expensive!” I inch toward the icy edge of the roof and think for a moment. “What about me? Am I expensive?” I lower […]
Brooklyn Learning Center
October 10, 2012 Dear Sean, Thanks so much for coming and spending time with our staff. It was very helpful to hear about how you work with students to help them develop confidence and social skills. The work you do is so important. It was particularly helpful to have a chance to talk about some […]
Acupuncture & Psychotherapy: What Do They Have in Common?
My First Acupuncture Session “How do you feel?” Oh brother! After twenty years of asking that question to my psychotherapy patients, I guess I had it coming to me. My situation is a little precarious. At the moment, I’m lying face down on an acupuncture table with more than a dozen needles poking out my […]
Can Divorce Actually Help Kids?
Zoe, a shaggy-haired thirteen-year-old with sad eyes, glares at me, arms folded, and jaw set; a therapy hostage if I ever saw one, deposited into my office by her parents against her will. Parents exert their executive power when it comes to therapy, so I don’t expect Zoe to cooperate, especially during our first tumultuous […]
Hate Me in a More Loving Way: Couples Guide to Better Arguing
The Ultimate Couples Guide Years ago, I worked with a married couple who never tired of yelling at each other. In fact, their full-throated shouting matches became legendary at the psychotherapy institute I worked at and earned me many complaints from my neighbors. Week after week, they tore into each other with such ferocity that […]
How to Stop Being Self-Critical
Self-critical people suffer from depression Have you ever wanted to try something new and a voice inside you says, “Who do you think you are? You can’t do that.” So you give up without even trying? Self-critical voices are a major driving force behind all types of mood problems; those annoying inner detractors condemn and […]