Entries by Sean Grover

When Someone You Love Relapses

You never thought he would relapse… You trusted him. He promised you that he’d changed. Convinced you that he’d learned his lesson, that his days of using drugs and alcohol were over. He finished a rehab program, celebrated the anniversary of his abstinence with you. He hugged and thanked you for being there, for not abandoning […]

How Parents Can Empower Their Daughters

What can we do to help empower our daughters in today’s world? How can we help them to develop self-worth? What can we do to help empower our daughters in today’s world? How can we help them to develop self-worth? I sat down with Yoon Im Kane, a Yale-trained psychotherapist and the founder & executive […]

The Blueprint for Raising a Happy, Resilient Child

What does a child need to be happy? Many years ago, UK’s favorite parenting expert Sue Atkins wondered: Why do some children become ‘successful’ in life and others don’t? She concluded that the children who succeed have close relationships with others (particularly their immediate family), feel valued, and have a sense of control over their […]

The Negative Voices of an Anxiety Disorder

This is the negative self-talk someone with an anxiety disorder may hear: I don’t know why I worry so much. I don’t want. Seriously, I don’t. But negative thoughts jab at me and invade my head. Fears and anxieties that may sound ridiculous to you, torture me daily. For example, I’m afraid that everyone secretly […]

5 Bedtime Routines Every Kid Needs

Struggling during bedtime? Are mornings full of chaos and panic? I sat down with parenting guru Amanda Houle, founder of Parenting with a Punch and host of the Parenting with a Punch podcast. Amanda provides straightforward and effective strategies for parents and couples who are struggling with their kids. Here’s what she had to say: […]

Is Parenting Burnout Destroying Your Marriage?

Why do so many couples unravel while parenting? Why do so many marriages self-destruct? Of the kinds of parenting dilemmas I see in my office, parent burnout is among the most common and unrecognized. Remarkably, most parents don’t even realize they’re suffering from it. Ask these parents when was the last time they took a […]

3 Causes of Depression Group Therapy Cures

Solutions that individual therapy or antidepressants can’t offer. Depression is one of the most diagnosed conditions in the United States. In fact, in the last decade, antidepressant prescriptions in the U.S. have jumped a whopping 65%, with one in eight Americans reporting that they have tried antidepressants. (Center for Disease Control). For many people, antidepressants […]

Where Do You Store Stress in Your Body? Top 10 Secret Areas

Our language is filled with negative psychosomatic references to stress: “My boss is a pain in the neck.” “My co-worker gives me a headache.” “My ex-boyfriend makes me sick to my stomach.” Often we attempt to push unwanted feelings—such as irritation, fear, sadness—out of our awareness. We associate such feelings with hopelessness or powerlessness. So, […]