5 Essential Steps to Be Happier and Achieve Your Dreams

You can just transform your frustration into fuel. Key points Learning to engage and resolve frustration can transform obstacles into fuel for a happier and more productive life. The choices you make when faced with frustration can determine whether you will experience growth, decline, or stagnation. One five-step process includes confronting frustration, deciding, a test period, […]

3 Signs That You’re a Prisoner of Your Expectations

It’s natural to have high expectations. But what happens when your expectations are overblown? Over-hyped expectations can have a devastating impact on your life in three key areas: 1. Self-Esteem: You set the bar too high for yourself. “I’m going to lose 10 pounds in three days.” “I’m going to increase my income in the […]

Is Your Mother a Magician in the Kitchen? When Food is Love

An Ode for Mother’s Who Cook from the Heart Every memory of my mother leads back to my childhood kitchen. Before the cooking channel, before The Joy of Cooking, before celebrity chefs battled like samurai or gladiators, there was my mom, the original culinary warrior, standing over a vat of her latest creation, hollering: “Come […]

Do You Resent Happy People?

Once upon a time there was a bird that lived in a cage in dark shadowy room; then one day his cage was moved outside. For the first time he see birds flying free. He watches them dive through the air, sing and play; he sees small birds wrestling in trees, large birds cooing and […]

What’s in Your Basket of Troubles?

By Sean Grover, LCSW A Parable… Once upon a time, there was a lost man who carried around a basket of troubles and wandered the land calling out,“Who will help me with my basket of troubles?” Many pitied him, some laughed at him, but no one helped him. Then one day a king passing by […]

Are You Attuned to Emotions?

The Secret World of Emotions & Attunement When your radio’s tuned properly to your favorite station, the broadcast comes in loud and clear. Without any static or overlap of frequencies, you relax and enjoy the music or the program. When your favorite love song is played on a well-tuned instrument, you’re delighted. You listen without […]

How to Pull a Volcano Out of a Tree

The Volcano in Our Backyard In the 1970’s my parents fell in love with throwing big outdoor theme parties for friends and family. The aftermath of their parties filled our backyard with oddities which included a twenty foot tall fiberglass Cleopatra (harvested from the 1964 World’s Fair – don’t ask), a collection of enormous rubber […]

The Loneliness of the People Pleaser

When someone asks you a favor, do you readily agree and later regret it? Perhaps you say yes when you really wanted to say no? Afterward, do you feel victimized, lament your decision, or bemoan your fate? If you answered yes to the questions above, congratulations—you’re a people pleaser. You go out of your way […]

How to Be a More Decisive Person

What to be more decisive? Here’s how: While playing it safe may be comforting, standing in the shadows, waiting for someone else to decide, or remaining dependent on friends or loved ones to make decisions for you weakens your confidence and chips away at your self-esteem. Being totally at the mercy of others is a […]

What is a Value Creating Life?

What’s truly of most value in life? Life deals us so many sufferings – loved ones pass, illness occurs, tragedy strikes. In a heartbeat, we could be hit with a critical blow we never saw coming, an event that could change the course of our lives forever. The bottom line: If you’re living and breathing, […]