Tag Archive for: Mistakes

The Holiday Survival Kit: How to Manage Your In-Laws

Why holidays are a financial bonanza for psychotherapists. If you adore your in-laws and delight in their company, consider yourself one of the lucky ones and read no further. But if the thought of spending time with your partner’s family has you activating your body armor and bracing for impact—then this article is for you. […]

How Parents Can Avoid the Self-Neglect Trap

“Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin as self-neglecting.” William Shakespeare, (Henry V, 2.4.74-75) Self-Neglect & Parenthood Why do so many people seem to unravel after becoming parents? Why do so many marriages self-destruct? Of the many kinds of the parenting dilemmas I see in my office, parent burnout is among the most […]

Top Ten Parenting Mistakes

  Parenting is a doozy of an emotional workout, chock-full of highs and lows, joys and despairs. One moment you’re elated, and the next you’re dejected or frustrated. One morning, you wake up feeling inexplicably euphoric, only to go to bed that evening feeling utterly heartbroken. Children add rocket fuel to your emotional life; your […]